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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Micromechanical vibratory gyroscope-accelerometer on the base of the effect of autoelectronic emission
V. M. Achildiev, M. A. Basarab, Yu. K. Gruzevich, B. S. Lunin, V. A. Matveev, V. A. Soldatenkov
Application of some methods of digital signal processing (DSP) for the micromechanical solid-state wave gyro (MSWG) is considered. Increase of accuracy of modern sensors of primary information can be achieved due to the use of modern effective algorithms of DSP. Among the wide range of methods, in the article the following approaches are used. The classical Fourier analysis with filtration of specific harmonics is still very important and popular for DSP. This method is used to illustrate specific properties of other techniques. In particular, wavelet analysis gives possibilities to realize localization both in frequency and time domains. Some specific types of wavelets are proposed for processing MSWG signals. One of the simplest approaches for DSP is based on averaging a discrete sequence of data. However modern IEEE standards, which are the main sources regulating methods and algorithms for adjustment, calibration and DSP of primary information of sensors in navigation systems, recommend some new ways for noise analysis in a sequence of discrete data. These approaches are based on the probability density function (PDF) and Allan variance. In the article, the Allan variance method is proposed for processing signals of MSWG located both on immovable and rotating platform. The algorithms proposed in th article can be applied for processing signals of other sources of primary navigation information, including Coriolis gyros, fiber-optic gyros, micromechanical accelerometers, et al.
Pages: 9-15
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