350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Measurement of Earth surface displacements in the systems of distant sounding
M. I. Babokin
Mathematical models for describing earth surface with displacements, reflected and accepted signal are presented. Displacement earth surface estimation algorithms for multipassage SAR systems are synthesized. A chosen part of the earth surface is observed in the telescopic regime by SAR systems several times in a definite time interval, which are coordinated with displacements process. Employs mathematical device Markov-s processes for description displacements of earth surface in the time. To obtain a filtration (estimation) algorithm with respect to displacements of the earth surface, the local Gaussian approximation was used. Thus the non-linear filtration problem was reduced to the problem quasi- linear filtration. Here, the displacements estimate appeared to be close to the optimum one with respect to the minimum mean square error criterion.
Pages: 3-8
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