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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Automated control system for space rocket preparation and launching as corporate information system
V. A. Kargin, O. V. Maidanovich, M. Yu. Okhtilev, A. Yu. Rossiev
Automated control systems of space centre, for space rocket preparation and launching (ASU PP), automated systems for controlling engineering processes (ASU TP) of technical and launching complexes are important elements of the information system about technical state and reliability of space rocket center. Last years these systems developed practically independently from each other, they were not included into the unified cycle of preparation and launching works (from the arrival of the space rocket to the space centre till end use of space rocket) and didn-t comprise combined automated control system of all space rocket preparation and launching processes, and as the result the efficiency of information system about technical state and reliability of space rocket center has essentially decreased. Thus the necessity of automated data acquisition, complex analysis and accumulation of the information of all kind used in asu pp, asy tp and automated control system of space centre as a whole and design of multi-level automated control system of space center with use of modern principles of corporate information systems (cis) organization has become evident: 1. Automated control system of space centre is the corporate information system, meant for automation space center resource registration and controlling (ERP-system - Enterprise Resource Planning System). 2. ASU PP is the part of corporate information system of space centre (MES-system - Manufacturing Execution System), that is responsible for initialization, tracking, optimization and documentation of technological processes for space rocket preparation and launching in real time format starting with the arrival of the compound parts of the space rocket to space center and finishing end use of space rocket, and is the integration kernel of the space center. The implementation of these requirements to ASU PP is possible when using intelligent information technology for automation space rocket state monitoring and control in real time that allows to switch from heuristic methods of processes algorithmization to the sequence of the task-oriented theoretically and methodically proved stages of constructing algorithms for state analysis and control. The suggested - from-start-to-end - design model takes into the consideration the specific character of the solving tasks of ASU PP as much as possible (requirements to the timing of orders, convenience, low cost of the design) and allows to form optimal architecture of ASU PP, that could be easily adopted to the possible changes both in the structure of space rocket of middle class the heightened carrying capacity and objects of ground space centre infrastructure (for example, "Vostochnyi" space center) When designing ASU PP technologists of the knowledge domain only will form (synthesize) the models of knowledge representation and processing management in ASU PP with the use of specialized means (intelligent interface and operating design system) 3. ASU TP - is the part of corporate information system of space centre (SCADA-system - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition system), that provides space rocket technical state monitoring and control of separate space rocket systems, assemblies and processing equipment and allows to reach high level of automation when solving problems of data acquisition, processing, transfer, storage and information representation. The technology database and design principles of the used nowadays ASU TP don-t allow integrate them into the automated control systems of the high levels (ASU PP and automated control system of the space center). That-s why perspective ASU TP have to be designed taking into consideration that they are meant to function in the unified information space of the cosmodrome and have to be constructed in the accordance with modern design principles, that allow to create automated control systems with given technical features in short time providing competitive price. Thus the CIS construction approaches and principles are suggested to use when designing and creating new ASU PP for the space centers of the Russian Federation. For hardware and software implementation it is necessary to use intelligent information technology for automation of the complex processes - and objects - state monitoring and control in real time that is based on the modern tendencies in the methods and means of information processing and contemporary state of informatics and other fields of fundamental and applied science.
Pages: 78-83
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