350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Fast symbolic computation: mechanisms of realization of special kinds of productions
O. F. Korolkov, V. M. Dovgal
In this article variants of realization and production kinds with the alphabetic variables and variable pattern and modification length are considered. It is suggested the example, in which is shown, that the alphabetic variable can accept the meaning from word but from determined range of alphabetic symbols. The algorithm, in which the modification of processing word executed to the special memory place, not to place of processing word match position, is given. With the every symbol of production the additional control byte is added to decrease the production length and to add the additional variables. The example of special production, which is processing parallel among others, is given. This production can interrupt the execution of any production because of execution in the same moment of its appearing in the field of view of determined symbol.
Pages: 67-71
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