350 rub

Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Оntological model for parallel processes description
parallel programs
ontological model
hybrid technology
UML language
XML technology
MPI library
V. I. Vorobiev, M. Yu. Petrov, Yu. A. Shichkina, E. L. Evnevich
Parallel software development is time and resource consuming.
Approach is proposed to this problem consisting in hybrid technology creation using UML sequence diagram, ontology design tools for results visualization and Workflow patterns for code generation.
Solution is realized in two steps:
Development of processes ontology;
Development of program of automated completion by entities for process ontology on the basis of sequence diagrams.
Source object in hybrid technology is UML diagram of "consecutive" program, developed in design medium Borland Together 2008. Sequence diagram is created automatically in the same medium. Having this diagram creation of entities for processes ontology is automated. Automated entities filling into ontology is fulfilled by means of specially developed Java application. Processes ontology may be visualized by means of Protege 3.3.1 tool. Program text is converted into "parallel" one using UML sequence diagram and Workflow patterns on the basis of MPI library.
Pages: 48-50
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