350 rub

Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The information approach for the modeling of objects in the monitoring systems
modeling of objects
information approach
the information-s properties of the stochastic process
T. I. Lapina
The task of system of monitoring of objects is to form a sequence of corrective actions that will ensure the demanded condition of the object of observation. Creations of effective monitoring systems of a condition of the difficult, poorly determined, evolving objects are complicated by absence of enough of the data about properties of operated object and conditions of its functioning.
The parameters determination of the statistical model of a process and extrapolation accuracy estimation will require statistical data, which characterize process in the period of retrospection. It the methods based on reception of the information on a condition of object can make alternative. Such information approach in constructing models of complex objects can solve a number of tasks: to determine the relationship of parameters that affect the object, select the most informative of the parameters to predict the risk of rejection of the object state from normal. The discussed methods can be successfully applied in the system of monitoring evolving objects and be used in various practical applications.
Pages: 39-42
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