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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Ways of construction of the integrated onboard radio engineering complexes with digital processing radio signals
A. M. Borodin, A. P. Sonin
Modern onboard radio engineering complexes (БРТК) are under construction on the basis of the separate is functional-finished devices united by interfaces of communication [1 - 3]. Such construction has a number of lacks: Development of devices entering into a complex by the various organizations that complicates their integration; duplication of functions by various devices; greater массогабаритные characteristics of complexes; low throughput of interfaces of communication. Besides the radio engineering devices which are a part БРТК, use methods of digital processing of signals (ЦОС) only on the second or third intermediate frequency, and transformation of a spectrum, summation of signals of frequency channels and other preliminary processing of signals in such systems are carried out by expensive analog MICROWAVES in units with low reliability and disorder of characteristics from the sample to the sample, including at change of parameters of an environment. Alongside with the specified lacks at construction modern БРТК there is not solved a number of the basic theoretical and technical questions limiting efficiency of given complexes: impossibility of correct reception, measurement of parameters, sortings and selections of complex probing signals of radio-electronic means (РЭС) with changeable from an impulse to an impulse in parameters [4]; complexities of formation of effective reciprocal radio signals (ОРС) for РЭС given types [4]; limited efficiency ОРС with negative regulation of capacity [4, 5]; difficulty of formation ОРС with inclined (concerning a perpendicular to a direction of distribution) front of a wave and on кроссполяризации, caused by complexity of alignment of frequency characteristics of relaying pathes in all range of working frequencies [5]; necessity of formation in the digital ways of radar-tracking portraits (РЛП) various types on each fragment ОРС [6, 7]; difficulty of management of beams of the active phased antenna lattices (АФАР) in the multialarm mode, providing simultaneous or квазиодновременное service of several РЭС [4, 5]; complexity of maintenance of work БРТК in conditions of the limited outcome between the transferring and reception aerials, not leading loss of efficiency [4, 5, 8]. The listed lacks and the factors limiting efficiency modern БРТК, can be eliminated in completely digital integrated БРТК, carrying out functions of all RTS which are a part of modern complexes of similar type. The purpose of present clause - to show ways of construction such БРТК, free from the set forth above lacks. The analysis modern digital, digital-to-analog, analog and the MICROWAVE of the element base which are available in the world market [9 - 13], shows, that for today probably construction digital integrated БРТК with strip ЦОС at least overlapping a range of one frequency letter (up to 5000 МГц). Perspective БРТК should unite in the structure the integrated RTS of various functional purpose, to process the MICROWAVE signals digital methods in a strip of a frequency letter, to use digital methods of maintenance of simultaneous work on reception and on the transfer, the transferring part of a complex should be under construction on the basis of АФАР with ЦДО. Reception of radio signals of various types is expedient for carrying out corresponding types of receivers. Sorting and selection of the accepted signals should be carried out on the set of several parameters depending on type served РЭС. For РЭС, using complex signals with changeable from an impulse to an impulse in parameters, it is expedient to form reciprocal radio signals the digital alarm processor in DRFM on the basis of saved up before spears. For maintenance of formation ОРС with negative regulation of capacity приемо-analyzing system BRTK should have high sensitivity (the order-120дБВт) and ability to allocate in multialarm conditions weak signals on a background powerful. With inclined front and кроссполяризацией, and also РЛП, it is expedient to form radio signals schemes on the basis of DRFM. Integration of systems of data БРТК is possible in the uniform block, the is functional-constructive module (payment) or a crystal (for example, in one case COTTON VELVET). The greatest opportunities last direction roughly developing now possesses and allowing to build « systems on a crystal».
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