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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The short history of the missile defense, the space control and the background and target information support systems development
V. I. Evseev
The series of these articles are dedicated to history of the Country-s Space-Missile Defense System (SMDS) and its basic components (Missile Attack Warning System, Missile Defense System, Space Control system and the Background and Target Information Support System) creation and development. The creation of the SMDS was conditioned by the requirements for efficient country-s state defense capacity and security against possible nuclear-missile attacks from air and space. Now the Air Forces and Space Forces make country secure against possible nuclear-missile attacks. The basic stages of SMDS creation and its components are covered. The description of some background and target remote de-tection (search) equipment is considered. Its technical and fighting efficiency are shown. The basic optical-electronic, infrared and radar background and target remote detection instruments are covered.For example, Missile Attack Warning System consists of: surface Echelon with some power radars for flying missiles detection (search) on distance up to 6000 km ("Dnepr" radar, "Darial" radar, High Factory Preparedness radar); space Echelon with group of data collection satellites (detection satellites) for ballistic missiles starts detection (search) at any point of the Earth and for its coordinate data measurement during minimal time ("Volga" radar, US-K system). The reliability (security) of existing MSDS and future integrated Air-Space Defense System (ASDS) function is an important problem. This aspect is considered as in the point of view technical parameters as in the point of view all components effective control. The various points of view at MSDS development and proposals for its integration to ASDS are considered. The leaders of Russian Federation made a resolution to realize these proposals on the level of the united command formation for increasing of state defense capacity. The purposes and the main directions country-s ASDS creation must be taken into consideration adequately at the new state military doctrine.
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