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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Features of pilotless radar information transfer using signals based on singular ensembles of optimum discrete pattern
V. I. Shetinin, Yu. A. Kavin, M. V. Chekmaryov, L. S. Pritchina
The article deals with the comparative analysis of two methods of radar information transfer: one using a pilot signal at the be-ginning of a message, and the other being pilotless transfer employing singular ensembles of optimum discrete pattern (SEODP). In the article statistical modeling is applied and the dependence of inaccurate decoding probability on the signal/noise quotient is built. Meanwhile two examined methods of transmitting messages against noise background of signals of two models are compared: one being the signal with random initial phase, the other being the signal with random initial phase and of random Rayleigh amplitude. The preference of the pilotless method of data transfer is shown, as it provides for greater carrying capacity and does not require building of apparatus formation and processing of the pilot signal. As for message decoding errors, they are of the same level in both the case of using the pilot signal and the one of SEODP message transfer. The baseband signal built with the ensemble of optimum discrete pattern has such a structure that besides data transfer it solves other service problems. Thus, for example, the first string of a transmitted multiple frequency signal may be used for framing, while the total signal obtained after the frame synchronization of all the strings may be employed for vertical synchronization followed by signal sampling of the other strings. Sampling allows for increasing the signal/noise quotient by approximately 2 dB. In addition, SEODP give the possibility for a single-frequency message transfer since ensemble signals are singular.
Pages: 72-78
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