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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Method of the optimum distribution resource in condition of the modernizations
G. Yu. Ratushnjak, V. V. Lisitski, A. N. Potapov, R. V. Katjukha
The Modern level of the development of the arms and military technology (VVT) ? is characterized simultaneous usage of the fa-cilities and systems, worked out technical resource and facilities, passed modernization and residing on warranty and postguarantée stage to usages. The Technical usage of these systems is organized in united system of the usages VVT, but is provided different power and facility: facility, passed modernization are serviced and repaired only representative enterprise-supplier on agreements with the customer within the framework of technical and author's control, but technical maintenance and repair outdated VVT conducts, as a rule, the personal composition using troop parts. In item are considered alternative variants of the maintenance to technical readiness VVT. On base of the method of the analysis hierarchy is organized calculation alternative variant maintenances to technical readiness VVT, on three factors. On calculation is given motivation and is chose one of the variant of the maintenance to technical readiness VVT. The Problem of the study will remain actual while term of the limited financing is saved. Greatly and that circumstance that goes the process of the shaping the new look VS RF. Specified typical moments are in principal important in estimation optimal chosen variant of the maintenance to technical readiness of the facilities VVT.
Pages: 29-37
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