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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The combined voltage stabilizers and methods definition of their parameters
G. N. Arsenyev, A. A. Shalygin
As a result of the conducted research it is shown that representation of compensatory stabilizers by model of system of automatic control with the combined principle of management allows to conduct researches - the analysis and synthesis, calculation of dynamic characteristics and parametres of stabilizers methods of the theory of automatic control. The technique of drawing up of mathematical model of the stabilizer allows to make necessary calculations according to accuracy of stabilisation of pressure of loading without dependence from that, than the mismatch is caused: a deviation of entrance pressure or change of resistance of loading. The carried out analysis allows to draw following conclusions: 1. In work the method of increase of accuracy of the pressure, consisting in introduction of the broken link on revolting influence - to a deviation ΔUin entrance pressure from rating value, i.e. by construction of the combined voltage stabilizer is investigated. The function chart is developed, the variant of the basic scheme is described, the mathematical model of the combined voltage stabilizer with communication on ΔUin is constructed. As a result of the analysis of mathematical model the factors of transfer connecting pressure of a mismatch by revolting (destabilising) influences ΔUin and ΔRí are defined. 2. It is shown that at any value of factor of strengthening ky2 (amplifier U2 and the operational amplifier - adder DA) communications on entrance pressure in combined, also as well as in the stabilizer with a principle management on a deviation, arises pressure of a mismatch at step change ΔUin, proportional ΔUin, at change ΔUin under linear or square-law laws of pressure of a mismatch increase in time under the linear or square-law law accordingly. However these pressure of a mismatch in the combined stabilizer in comparison with the stabilizer with a management principle on a deviation can be reduced in necessary number of times (to demanded values) at the expense of factor increase ky2. 3. The condition of absolute invariancy at which performance pressure of a mismatch ΔUU is equal to zero at any law of change ΔUin is received. For performance of a condition of absolute invariancy it is necessary to provide an additional chain of self-adjustment with which help it is necessary to change strengthening factor ky2 according to change Uin. In the absence of a self-adjustment chain it is necessary to define value ky2 according to a quasiinvariancy condition.
Pages: 9-16
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