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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Usage CALS-technologies at creation of the experimental sample of the management information system high school
G. V. Malshakov
On the basis of CALS technologies solve tasks of automation of managerial processes in HIGH SCHOOL. The analysis of an existing means of automation of HIGH SCHOOL is lead. The new approach to automation of high school from below - upwards with usage CALS - technologies is sampled. The architecture established on new technology with usage CALS - technologies of the MANAGEMENT information system HIGH SCHOOL is developed. On the basis of methodology of creation of protocols of application STEP the applied protocol of automation of managerial processes of HIGH SCHOOL is developed. - technologies at creation of the MANAGEMENT information system the HIGH SCHOOL is developed for support of usage CALS a program complex into which have entered: a synthesizer, the analyzer and loader EXPRESS - circuits, PDM PartY PLUS Sample Softvea corporations, integrated subsystems of automation. For check of new technology of creation of the MANAGEMENT information system the HIGH SCHOOL on the basis of CALS - technologies has been established the experimental sample of the MANAGEMENT information system HIGH SCHOOL. Check has confirmed efficiency of usage CALS of technologies at creation of the MANAGEMENT information system HIGH SCHOOL.
Pages: 59-63
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