350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Determination of typical object's overall dimensions with the help of ultra-wideband short-pulse signal
D. V. Bagno, D. V. Nikishov
Application witband short-pulse signals in radar-tracking systems, including radars for underground object's searching, gives to such systems new functionality. In particular, there is possible a recognition of objects sounding on features of an absent-minded signal. In article are considered numerical and the experimental researches spent for the purpose of check of possibility of definition of the characteristic geometrical sizes of objects of the simple geometrical form by means of the measure-evaluating complex with wideband short-pulse signals. The establishment of the geometrical size of object represents the big interest for recognition of objects, in particular, in problems for underground object's searching. The results of numerical and experimental researches, which have been realized for the purpose of determination typical overall dimensions for objects with simple geometry by means of measure-evaluating complex (MEC) with wideband short-pulse signal, are presented. It is confirmed that the MEC's technical characteristics, originally designed for underground object's searching, allow to measure radio-locating properties of dispersion with acceptable precision.
Pages: 20-25
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