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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Information-analytical technologies for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment and monitoring frequency and severity of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
O. А. Bisterfeld, E. V. Zaikina
This article describes the purpose and capabilities developed by the authors of information-analytical system of evaluating the effectiveness of therapy and monitoring the frequency and severity of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most important problems of modern health care around the world due to ever increasing morbidity and mortality from this disease. COPD ranks fourth among all causes of mortality in the age group over 45 years and is the only disease mortality which continues to grow steadily. Given the lack of epidemiological data on COPD in Russia, the problem of early diagnosis and rational therapy of COPD, appears relevant to study the incidence, diagnosis and optimize management of patients with COPD in the municipal clinics. The authors have developed information-analytical system for assessing the effectiveness of therapy and monitoring the fre-quency and severity of exacerbations of COPD. The system is designed for: justifying the identification of COPD and treat the disease at an early stage; justifying the use of functional and statistical advice on the appointment of bronchial spasmolytic as basic therapy, be-ginning with I-II stages of COPD; assess the effectiveness of long-term therapy of COPD with different groups of bronchial spasmolytic in monotherapy and in combination; assessing the impact of risk factors for COPD; validate the effectiveness of influenza vaccination and polyvalent bacterial vaccines; justify the need to work with the leadership of industrial enterprises in terms of reducing the impact of occupational factors and environmental health. Information-analytical system was used for statistical processing of results of research conducted from 2003 to 2009 in an urban clinic number 2 in Ryazan. The data helped the development of recommendations for treating patients with COPD in the outpatient setting.
Pages: 103-106
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