350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Programm - Doctor-s Electronic organizer-2.0 - ? possibility for statistical reports
N. G. Preferanskiy, T. L. Guskina, E. V. Kachalova
The feature of the program «Doctor-s Electronic organizer-2.0» for building of statistical reports about quantity of the registered patients - visits to medical organization on the basis of the universal query building interface is described. The program «the Electronic organizer of the doctor 2.0» (EOD), used by doctors of various specialities, has expanded the opportunities at decisions of operative problems of medical statistics. Accumulation of data on medical statistics, the exchange of medical-statistical data in program EOD is organized in conformity with the standard of GOST Р 52976-2008 «Information of health. Structure of primary data of medical statistics of treatment-and-prophylactic establishment for an electronic exchange of these data. The general requirements», approved and put into operation the Order of Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology from 13 October 2008.
Pages: 95-98
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