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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Utilization of medical information system in optimization of hemodialysis care management
M. B. Shamanskiy, N. B. Naygovzina, V. Yu. Shilo
Positive results of quality of treatment and overall performance of the Center of a hemodialysis at transition to electronic medical document circulation are caused by increase of labour productivity of doctors, administrative and average medical staff. Introduction of medical information system enables doctors to give more attention to the patient, to raise and is high-grade to apply the professional knowledge. Medical information system - The powerful tool of optimization of work GDZ, allowing effectively to plan, organize and supervise medical process. Introduction MIS provides optimum parameters of adequacy of a doze of a dialysis, it is better to supervise key laboratory indica-tors. Use МИS in management GDZ allows to raise labour productivity of the medical personnel, to lower expenses for payment of days dialysis patients, it is essential to raise an overall performance and controllability GDZ.
Pages: 86-90
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