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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Urgent questions of introduction and use of medical information systems (MIS). Problems and mistakes at introduction and use of МIS
V.V. Pavlov, A.V. Zakamskov, Z.B. Rakhmanova
Now from the highest tribunes the assurances are distributed that the process of introduction of medical information systems will go to the near future by a complete course, the recording to the doctor will be accessible through the Internet, and the medical maps will conduct extremely in an electronic kind. Thus, it is considered, that the specified tasks will be decided (solved), if the appropriate means will be allocated and the computers and office equipment are purchased, the information networks are constructed, in each medical establishment the appropriate IT-infrastructure is created and the appropriate software is introduced. However, the best technological decisions will not be claimed, if the majority of the potential users remain practically not prepared to work with new technologies. The basic problem is in the fact that many doctors do not want to use even the most remarkable and modern means of automation, and resist to introduction of new technologies. The basic reasons of active unwillingness to introduce medical information systems by results of long-term experience are as follows: unsuccessful experience of introductions received earlier; hazard approach to automation; reassessment of opportunities of medical information systems; underestimation of opportunities of medical information system; psychological problems; fear of appearing incompetent; ignorance or misunderstanding of opportunities given by modern means of automation; superfluous protection of information; laziness, etc. Hence creation of the appropriate infrastructure, delivery of the advanced, reliable and well fulfilled decisions and even realization of training is no more than half of way in the decision of a task of high-grade introduction of medical information system. Before introduction it is necessary to make the equipment design, in which except for physical parameters of information system it is necessary in detail to formulate and to describe all business processes. To provide in staff of medical establishment or supplier of information system of the expert engaged in support of information system. At realization of training - not only to specify a sequence of actions (press a green button, then the button YES, then ОК), but first of all, to explain ? «WHAT?» and «WHAT?» the operations are carried out and «WHAT FOR?», and then to respond on a question «HOW?». In a case «offended by the previous experience» it is necessary to provide «procedures of rehabilitation» of such employees, for example, first of all having shown, let not the most important opportunities of new medical information system, but what will allow this worker considerably to facilitate or to simplify or to speed up his current activity.
Pages: 82-85
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