350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Technique of the potential efficiency estimation of health information systems
G. S. Lebedev
Realization of the program passed in three directions: medical effect, social effect, economic efficiency. Criteria are defined on the basis of operating in system of public health services of legislative normative legal certificates, standards, reports of objects of audit of efficiency on the done work and plans of their work on maintenance of citizens with free-of-charge medical aid. The developed technique of an estimation of efficiency of information should become a subsystem of management of information system of public health services. Efficiency of means of information of public health services will create conditions for translation of a part of patients into out-patient forms of rendering assistance that is especially important for systems of public health services of Krasnoyarsk region, republic Khakassia and Тyvy, and also the Kirov area.
Pages: 62-69
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