350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of formal models transformation
S. V. Afanasiev
Formal modeling is a very important part of the program creation process in the all development steps. Diagrams of the structural system analysis IDEF are still used by some companies to create business processes. IDEF-0 and IDEF-3 are used for software developing. However, these notations are not object-oriented. The latter fact and presence of additional facilities of UML notations (code generations, testing, and audit) evoke to translate models from IDEF to UML, what it easier reengineering software. Functional testing, in its turn, is an integral part of quality assurance. Formal models translation mechanisms creating bring to necessity of validation control for functional transmission across models. This article describes methods for solving the problem by test scenarios modeling with the help of formal models.
Pages: 72-75
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