350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The formalized description of information systems
V. I. Vorobiev, R. R. Fatkieva
A dimension of current information systems (IS) is now more than 10100 (Google). So it brings to appearance of not deterministic behavior of dynamic systems and design difficulties. While generation of new information in IS it brings to choice when system stays ata bifurcation point. Making a choice from a number of variations for further behavior (first level) for some time system stays stable up to new level of bifurcation (second level). In that case information of the first level is met information for the second level and next levels. And behavior of IS can be described ontologically. Possible generalization of particular cases of the ontological model for number of elements of IS as a graph allow us to use declarative and procedure interpretations and relations between IS elements including definitioйn of new interpretations of IS behavior. Modern search and analysis systems of data include many levels of metadata transformation of data and programs. To control it there need in invariants of transformation quality control according dynamic systems behavior lows.
Pages: 55-57
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