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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Model of the formalized description of audiences and process of evacuation of people at fire
A. S. Sizov, S. Yu. Sazonov, S. A. Kuzheleva, V. V. Teplovа
The offered model of the formalized description of audiences and process of evacuation of people at fire is based on the theory of terrains. The choice is proved by the fact that it allows describing premises of objects and contains the means allowing as to formalize evacuation process. In managerial process of evacuation there is a problem of the so-called information monitoring (search of people in high school au-dience) which consists in detour terrains so that any object didn't remain not noticed. The basic structural formations on terrain are kernels and classes of visibility which serve for definition of a possible way of moving of people in audience. Thus for application of algorithm of Dijkstra by the initial data are a bond graph of classes and distance between a site of people in each class of visibility. During application of algorithm of Dijkstra the tree of the shortest routes between the set top and all others is formed. The given model of the formalized description of audience and process of evacuation of people of an audience of a high school in the case of fire occurrence visually shows possibilities of application of the theory of terrains. However the offered model has restrictions. So, application of terrains for modeling of a premise of an obstacle are represented as figures in two-dimensional space, i.e. only length and width of an obstacle are considered, and its height isn't taken at all into consideration. However for the purpose of definition of possibility of evacuation of people from a premise and its shortest way creation of model of a premise in the three-dimensional space, the similar model received with use of the theory of terrains is represented.
Pages: 43-46
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