350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Theoretikal-plural model of life cycle of preparation of the expert in high school
A. A. Meleshko, S. G. Emelyanov, A. I. Sokolenko, O. V. Klyuchnikova
In work the high school description as difficult social and economic system at the representation top level, based on allocation the cores of kinds of activity and formalization of business processes generated in them is presented. The given formalized description of high school can be executed on the basis of the CALS-approach as the most adapted for control, the account, structurally functional updating of all kinds of activity of high school and stages of life cycle of preparation of the expert. The theoretic-plural model of life cycle of preparation of the expert is developed for the regular account of new signifi-cant internal processes and external steady influences and information streams. Basis for the organization of life cycle of preparation of the expert is the theoretic-plural model of preparation of the expert in the high school, presented in the form of ontology. The ontology of activity of high school in Life cycle of preparation of the expert includes concepts of different levels of abstraction. The given system of the organization of knowledge allows to accumulate, systematize and use knowledge of set of attributes of concepts for construction of effective technology of the organization of life cycle of preparation of the expert.
Pages: 72-76
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