350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The water as an information system, is subjected by radiating influence
A. A. Artamonov, I. V. Fedotova, V. V. Tsetlin, A. M. Nosovsky
In the present work the phenomenon of change of electrophysical properties of water as a result of the action of electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation of small (<10сGr) dozes is considered. For the theoretical description of this phenomenon, the model within the limits of the Ginaburg-Landan free energy functional. In the first part of the article the concept of the correlator is is introduced and correlation function is constructed. The radius of correlation as a link between correlation function and fractal the characteristics found from curve currents of conductivity is defined. The system in which two parameters of the order can exist is considered. It is theoretically shown that influence of a magnetic field cannot be considered at linear dependence of parameter of the order on a magnetic field. In the second part of the article it is considered with reference to experimental data, such sizes as correlation dimension, entropy and Hurst's parameter. On the base of the received results it is drawn a conclusion that small dozes of an ionizing radiation lead to change in curve currents of conductivity of water of high clearing.
Pages: 61-67
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