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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Methods of the calculate estimation of the functional quality indicators of the automatic selection systems of precision control complexes
R. I. Bankgalter, V. A. Mochenov
The article, presenting applied part of theoreticalmodels [1], illustrate possible methods and calculate models MR(S) for determination of calculate indicators of functional quality (ПФК) САС different modifications in real conditions of exploitation as existing samples of precision control complexes (ВКУ), so and at stages of forming technical task and designing, that to say to creation of the models and experimental products and programm algorithm ensuring (ПАО).
Model MR(S), forming on base [1], presents result of generalisation and systematisation accumulating to predent time of real experience of working out anl estimation qualityapparatus and ПАО САС of wide nomenclature tactical function. Accordingly the model MR(S) represented as sufficiently simple calculating instrument for ПФК determination in dependence from main influence factors, and exactly: standartizative data, characterize mesure of complexity selection conditions; class and descriptionsof selection objects; composition and technical delineationof information channals of CAC; given tactical conditions of CAC functioning; the mesure of automation of complex ВКУ.
The article presented by parts: starting positions and data for forming general model MR(S); calculating sheme of determination ПФК at models MR(S); the alghoritm of calculate estimation ПФК,
illustrative statistical results of estimation changing ПФК in dependence from basic influencing factors at work of CAC, and also cuantitativeresults of estimation ПФК of permanent and experienced samples ВКУ by wide variation if tactical conditions and variety of objects ciasse, begin from cjmpact (separately man) to avtrage-gabarit (car) and large-gabarit (varms-electro-central - ТЭЦ, store inflammable-lubricating material - ГСМ etc.)
Accumulated results of calculating estimations (more 103 realizations) demonstrate them non-contradiction to populariting data at natural tests САС ВКУ.
Pages: 78-87
- Банкгальтер Р.И., Моченов В.А. Теоретическая модель системы автоматической селекции высокоточных комплексов управления // Информационно-измерительные и управляющие системы, 2009, № 9. С. 67-77.