350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Optimization of radio interference aids control in a three-way conflict with electronic reconnaissance aids and data transmission system
L. V. Grebenyuk, V. V. Isaev, V. F. Mel`nicov
Work is devoted to questions of development of mathematical model of process, statement and the decision of a problem of synthesis of algorithm of management time-and-frequency and spatially-power resources means of investigation and means of handicapes in interests of simultaneous performance of inconsistent conditions of conducting investigation and radio of suppression. Unlike existing approaches on a uniform basis it is considered: Contrast of the purposes of conducting radioprospecting and radio of suppression SLEEP; dependence of process RP on algorithms of functioning of technical devices, managements and means of a radio noise on DPLA; likelihood character of interrelations SLEEP-ß». In work the dynamic algorithm of optimum control time-and-frequency and spatially-power resources means of investigation and means of handicapes which has anticipatory character is received. The approach offered in work can be used for synthesis of dynamic adaptive algorithms of management of a wide class of systems at set of inconsistent conditions.
Pages: 42-46
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