350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Development Intercoupler PC With Facility of the Measurements for Undertaking the Complex Checks
V.V. Lisitski, N.A. Kuprianov
In article is stated motivation of the creation and is offered realization intercoupler PC with facility of the measurements with digital entry by output, used at usages radio electronical equipments of the facilities rocket-cosmic defence. Structured intercoupler is hardware forming in composition of the complex system for undertaking the measurements and checks of the facilities of the measurements. On base of the analysis existing analogue, principle of the undertaking the measurements and checks, with use the different element base, is scientifically motivated need creation intercoupler PC with facility of the measurement in composition of the complex system for undertaking the measurements and checks of the facilities of the measurements. Organized check to capacity to work designed device in ambience schemetechical modeling Electronic Workbench. The programme module of the functioning(working) the complex system is Designed on base of the concepts of the object-oriented programming (OOP) in ambience Microsoft Visual Basic. Experimental checking the positive effect is Made from introducing the complex system for undertaking the measurements and checks of the facilities of the measurements with digital entry/output (by means of created pilot model).
Pages: 97-100
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