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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Scheme with Autoequalization the Main Element of the Processing FKM Signal by Base a Linear Filter on the Decomposition
V. I. Sukhorukov
On the base of modeling existing schemes of processing of phase-code-manipulation signal on the base of rejection, a conclusion is made about its essential her defect, which was indicated in literature - weak possibilities on permitting weak signals on0 the background of strong signals if their power does not exceed the powers weak more, than on 30 db. A new scheme is offered and considered which permits to weaken the specified defect. And in the aggregate with scheme with rejection it allows to overlay the broad range of importances of EPR creating disturbing reflections, on background which manages to select the weak signal. In the come time, as in scheme with rejection, in the scheme with autoequalization the main element of the processing FKM signal is a linear filter of decomposition, which allows to take into account restrictions, which inherent to compensation, namely, exact measurement of the amplitudes of disturbing signals.
Pages: 55-60
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