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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
An Information Infrastructure to Support Cross Border Healthcare Services
A. G. Lomakin, M. A. Pliss, D. L.Tsypin
Secure, reliable and rapid access to comprehensible information is a prerequisite forquality healthcare, whether in a local or cross border scenario. Accurate and complete patient medical records can significantly enhance the appropriateness and quality of healthcare. Efficient and error-free handling of related administrative data can expedite payment and reimbursements and increase the efficiency of healthcare administration. The Central Repository proposed as the foundation of the cross-border healthcare IT infrastructure will enable the consolidated data to be made available to care providers using a portal that would be developed on the central repository. This portal will be able to be deployed in a number of different ways: web-based applications for care providers (e.g. Hospitals, GPs, Clinics etc.); wireless / Handheld devices (e.g. Community care workers, Accident and Emergency etc.). Industry Standard Messaging (e.g. Citizens (i.e. SMS)).
Pages: 26-37
  1. The 2008 National Human Development Report Russia Facing Demographic Challenges, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) http://www.undp.ru/index.phtml-iso=RU&lid=1&cmd=publications1&id=48
  2. HL7 Messaging Standard Version 3 Normative Edition 2008. http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/v3messages.cfm