V.N. Gridin1, V.E. Sinitsyn2, V.I. Solodovnikov3, M.I. Truphanov4, N.N. Yakhno5, I.A. Evdokimov6
1–6 Design Information Technologies Center Russian Academy of Sciences (Odintsovo, Moscow oblast, Russia)
1–6 info@ditc.ras.ru
The purpose of this publication is to develop a method, algorithms and present the obtained research results in the field of analysis and recognition of properties of classes of small-sized objects in medical images and similar in visual properties to other nearby tissues of biological objects for localization and determination of properties of the entorhinal cortex of the brain. The relevance of the research is determined by the complexity of finding and measuring the parameters of the entorhinal cortex due to its features in magnetic resonance tomographic images: this cerebral cortex is located next to the hippocampus and is a small in size, complex in shape with no clear boundaries for segmentation with adjacent structures, an object with a curvilinear shape several pixels wide and several tens of pixels long with weakly defined edges. An analysis of publications on this problem revealed the absence of specific solutions, while general solutions based on well-known publicly available and paid products require adaptation for the analysis of the entorhinal cortex. The result of the work is the developed method and algorithms for detecting and determining the parameters of the entorhinal cortex and adjacent tissues for constructing a classifier for separating patients with initial cognitive impairments and healthy people. To solve the problem, iterative use of neural networks based on the yolo architecture was applied with subsequent refinement of the properties of classes that determine a patient with cognitive impairments or a healthy individual. The practical value of the obtained results is that the presented solution will be further used to implement studies at the initial stages of the formation of cognitive impairments when processing magnetic resonance imaging data of patients and healthy people, which will ensure the detection of cognitive impairments at an early stage.
Gridin V.N., Sinitsyn V.E., Solodovnikov V.I., Truphanov M.I., Yakhno N.N., Evdokimov I.A. A method for calculating the properties of the entorhinal cortex in magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. Highly Available Systems. 2024. V. 20. № 4. P. 64−77. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20729472-202404-07 (in Russian)
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