V.I. Budzko1, V.I. Medennikov2
1, 2 Federal Research Center «Computer Science and Control» of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
1 vbudzko@ipiran.ru, 2 dommed@mail.ru
The implementation of integration processes in agriculture is reflected in the form of precision agriculture (PA) and requires processing a significant amount of heterogeneous data in the fields, considering the anthropogenic, natural, spatio-temporal heterogeneity of each of them, which must also be considered in digital form. A large number of complex and diverse tasks in creating a single digital management platform (SDMP), which should become the basis for creating automated means of information support for the process of managing agro-industrial enterprises – ACS AP, require their solution. This process actually comes down to creating a digital twin (DT) of an enterprise with the formation of a digital image of its life cycle. It is necessary to create a design automation system (CAD) as an element of the SDMP to form such a DT and support its life cycle. Scientifically based crop rotations (CR) determine all technological processes in agriculture, so first of all it is necessary to create a CAD CR. The first and main task of the CAD CO is automated information support for the formation of an optimal crop rotation structure of a farm based on mathematical modeling for a certain perspective, which would allow obtaining maximum profit when forming an effective system of integrating enterprise resources, considering the technological features of the main production and ensuring the competitiveness of products. The paper describes the CAD for forming an optimal crop rotation structure of a farm based on mathematical modeling for a certain perspective to obtain maximum profit when forming an effective system of integrating material, labor, financial and information resources, considering the technological features of the main production and ensuring the competitiveness of products.
Budzko V.I., Medennikov V.I. System for automated design of equalized crope rotation fields based on a mathematical model for
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