A.V. Solovyev1
1 Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
1 soloviev@isa.ru
Despite the fact that an analysis of modern scientific works shows the active use of digital twins, primarily in industrial production, and, partly, in other areas of the economy and society, the use of digital twin technologies in the field of archival storage has not yet been considered. However, in the context of the digital transformation of the economy and society, the criticality of the safety of digital data in general and documents in particular increases significantly. For example, the digital economy program of the Russian Federation defines data in digital form as a key production factor in digitalization. On the other hand, ensuring the safety of valuable documents is an important government task, which in the context of digitalization must be solved at a qualitatively new level.
The goal of the work is to develop a concept for modeling the long-term preservation of archival documents using digital twin technology.
The article proves the relevance of using digital twin technologies for organizing long-term storage of documents and digital data. The work identifies the problems of archival storage and shows the need to improve the efficiency of archival storage. A formal formulation of the problem of organizing archival storage of documents using digital twins has been completed. Mathematical models for simulating archival storage conditions, as well as technologies for monitoring the safety and reconstruction of documents, are proposed. The need to use 3D/4D printing technologies and artificial intelligence is considered. The effectiveness of archival storage using digital twins was assessed.
Based on the author’s experience in developing large digital archival solutions, we can conclude that the conceptual solutions proposed in the article would significantly help in ensuring the safety of documents of various types and storage periods. Preliminary calculations show that the expected security efficiency when applying the proposed concept will increase by 5–10 times.
Solovyev A.V. Modeling the long-term preservation of archival documents using digital twins. Highly Available Systems. 2024. V. 20.
№ 2. P. 65−75. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20729472-202402-05 (in Russian)
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