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Journal Highly available systems №1 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Cybersecurity of systems implementing data intensive domains. Part 1. The place of cybersecurity in the protection of information
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20729472-202401-02
UDC: 681.3

V.I. Budzko1, V.I. Korolev2, V.G. Belenkov3, P.A. Keyer4

1–4 FRC CSC RAS (Moscow, Russia)
1 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia)
1 vbudzko@ipiran.ru, 2 vkorolev@ ipiran.ru, 3 vbelenkov@ipiran.ru, 4 pkeyer@ipiran.ru


The current stage of development of Russian society is characterized by the digital transformation of all its spheres, including economics, science, healthcare, education, culture, etc. One of the directions of such transformation is the widespread use of artificial intelligence technologies (AIT). AIT have a significant potential to transform society and people's lives – from trade and healthcare to transport and cybersecurity, as well as the environment. At the same time, AIT entail risks of managing information security (IS), which can negatively affect individuals, groups, organizations, sectors of the economy and society as a whole.

The article analyzes additional features of managing automated systems (AS) IS of due to their use of the capabilities of AIT and multilayer neural networks (MNN). The characteristic features of the threats associated with the training and testing of MNN and influencing the AIT-risks for such AS are also identified.

The paper presents a classification of AS security threats using vulnerabilities specific to the MNN. The features that have a significant impact on the way AIT-risks are implemented when using software components using and not using MNN are determined.

The article defines the features of managing AS information security due to their use of the capabilities of AIT and MNN, which must be taken into account when developing, implementing and operating such AS.

Pages: 16-29
For citation

Budzko V.I., Korolev V.I., Belenkov V.G., Keyer P.A. Cybersecurity of systems implementing intensive data use. Part 1. The place of cybersecurity in the protection of information. Highly Available Systems. 2024. V. 20. № 1. P. 16−29. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20729472-202401-02 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 04.08.2023
Approved after review: 08.08.2023
Accepted for publication: 30.08.2023