A.S. Lebedev1
1 Design Information Technologies Center Russian Academy of Sciences (Odintsovo, Moscow Region, Russia)
1 tementy@gmail.com
The purpose of the work is to increase the performance of affine programs when executed on systems with distributed memory. Reducing the cost of communications in multiprocessor systems is one way to improve the performance of a parallel program. For systems with distributed memory, finding the placement of calculations and data together is performed. The mapping of virtual and physical processors entails the distribution of calculations and data among physical processors in accordance with the found placements of calculations and data for each instruction and array in the program. A set of macros has been developed that simplifies this distribution with the means for processing communication polyhedra in parallel programs that assume two-way communication of processes within the MPI standard. In this case, it is not required to place data on all computers and apply special models for organizing calculations. For each access to the array, the following static analysis is performed: it is checked whether the index of the virtual processor owning the array element matches the index of the virtual processor executing the dynamic instance of the instruction in which the access in question occurred. If it matches, then the access is treated as local, otherwise it is treated as remote. The created software translates the original sequential C program into its parallel-optimized version also in C.
The developed software can be used to analyze the data flow affine programs, improve the data locality, and parallelize such programs for cluster systems due to the support of MPI as a parallelization technology. Experimental results of studying the performance of parallel versions of the LU-decomposition program for a square matrix are presented. The performance of parallel programs obtained using the developed translator ilpy and the modern translator pluto 0.11.4 is compared. All parallel solutions made it possible to obtain acceleration of calculations. The parallel version obtained with ilpy shows better performance in all runs except those running on two machines. The performance loss ranged from 2% to 8% depending on the number of processes. The biggest advantage over pluto is achieved when running in eight processes and is 27% for running on one machine and 18% for running on eight machines. The pluto solutions show better CPU utilization in all parallel runs, but the advantage over ilpy is only achieved when running on two machines.
Lebedev A.S. Translation of affine programs for parallel execution on systems with distributed memory. Highly Available Systems. 2023. V. 19. № 3. P. 35−47. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20729472-202303-03 (in Russian)
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