I.N. Sinitsyn1, Yu.P. Titov2
1,2 FRC “Informatics and Computer Science” of the RAS (Moscow, Russia)
When investigating high availability systems, the task arises of determining the optimal or rational set of system parameters (hyperparameters). For such problems, it is possible to enumerate all variations of the sets of values of hyperparameters so as not to miss the optimal one. Rearranging the parameter values makes it possible to get rational solutions in the early stages and it is possible to stop the search for new solutions. A modification of the ant colony method is proposed to reorder sets of parameter values.
Purpose – to investigate the situation when most sets of parameter values are considered on the computational cell-master and the method of ant colonies, it is necessary to find missing solutions with a low probability of their appearance. You-work recommendations on the rules of behavior of the agent who found the already considered set of parameter values.
The "Carrom table function" bank with 48400 variants of parameter value sets is considered. For this bank, the best results were shown by the modification of the method of ant colonies with a repeated cyclic search for new solutions by the agent who found the already considered solution at the iteration. This algorithm, when changing additional information on the number of visits to the vertex in the probability formula, allows you not to limit the search for additional solutions and when considering 98% of solutions, requires less than 10 additional iterations. Modification using tree traversal, due to the lack of additional information, requires more before-full iterations and more time to search for a set of parameter values that has not yet been considered.
The developed and implemented modification of the ant colony method makes it possible to perform a directional re-collection of all sets of parameter values. The optimal set of parameters is found after considering 1% of all solutions. To further improve the algorithm, you can consider adding various additional information to the probability choice formula of the vertex by the agent.
Sinitsyn I.N., Titov Yu.P. Investigation of the possibility of obtaining all solutions by the method of ant colonies for the problem of optimizing the order of hyperparameters. Highly Available Systems. 2023. V. 19. № 2. P. 55−69. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20729472-202302-05 (in Russian)
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