S.S. Veligodskiy1, N.G. Miloslavskaya2
1,2 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) (Moscow, Russia)
The article is devoted to the consideration of the proposed approach to assessing the level of maturity of the Nnetwork Security Center (NSC), created by organizations – subjects of critical information infrastructure (CII) as part of information and telecommunication networks (ITCN) in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 1, 2022 No. 250. In order to be effective and operate sustainably, the NSC should demonstrate a high level of maturity that meets the information security (IS) requirements for its owner organization. At present, there is no single approach to assessing the maturity level of such NSCs, but it would allow the organization to outline possible ways for NSC improvement, and the authorized bodies conducting such an assessment to have a single methodological basis.
The NSC is presented as a structure with special functions and maximum capabilities for Network Security Management (NSM) of ITCN based on a comprehensive and systematic review of the NSC components that provide the NSM, namely, organizational support, NSM processes, NSM services provided to consumers, technologies used and staffing. A brief description of each of the NSC supporting parts is given. The results of the assessment of each of the areas should be taken into account when establishing the maturity level of the NSC as a whole and making a decision on its improvement.
The results obtained can be used in the development of a model for NSC maturity level assessment, in which the NSC supporting components are considered as the main assessment areas.
Veligodskiy S.S., Miloslavskaya N.G. Approach to assessing network security centers’ maturity level. Highly Available Systems. 2023.
V. 19. № 2. P. 25−37. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20729472-202204-02 (in Russian)
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