I.P. Urmanov1, S.P. Korolev2, A.N. Kamaev3
1–3 Computing Center FEB RAS (Khabarovsk, Russia)
The article discusses the analysis of images obtained from video cameras shooting in a wide range, including visible and near-infrared wavelengths. The problem of identification of thermal anomalies in the images of volcanoes obtained with such cameras is solved. The introduction contains a brief review of methods and approaches to the solution of the problem. Section 1 is devoted to the description of the developed algorithm of thermal anomalies detection. At the beginning of the section, the procedure of data sampling preparation is described and the details of thermal anomalies display on the images are shown. Then a description of all the stages of the algorithm is given, including finding the centers of potential anomalies, calculating the area and determining the features of the anomalies with further classification of the obtained data into classes of "thermal" anomaly and "non-thermal" anomaly. In Section 2, the description of the computer system for automated image analysis is given. At the beginning, the implementation of the developed algorithm in the form of a console application is shown. Then its integration into the computer system for the automated analysis of images of the system of continuous video observation of volcanoes of Kamchatka is considered. Also is given a description of all capabilities of the obtained system, a scheme of its work and examples of developed interfaces. In the conclusion of the article summarized the results of the work and the prospects for further research.
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