V.I. Korolev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist,
Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow);
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
E-mail: vkorolev@ipiran.ru
A.V. Korolev – Chief Expert of the Security Department of JSC ASE EC Branch in Hungary E-mail: aking@bk.ru
The article is devoted to the problem of ensuring information security in the functioning of systems, which, in the current terminology, are identified as the digital economy systems. Digital economy systems are considered as a formed business ecosystems type that provides to partner organizations the interaction of technology platforms, applied Internet services, analytical systems, information systems of government agencies, organizations and citizens. Their operation are based on complex distributed network IT-infrastructures. The reliability of functionality is closely linked to ensuring the safety of operation. The approach to information security is associated with regulations on the security of critical information infrastructures (CII). The emphasis is on architectural system solutions that meet security requirements and implement effective system functionality. The aim of this work is to analyze the representation of digital economy systems, compare their IT-infrastructure with CII objects, and consider options for architectural security solutions when designing digital economy systems that meet both the established regulatory requirements for information security and the practical feasibility of these solutions. As an approach to architectural solutions for security digital economy systems proposed the segmentation of the IT-infrastructure that focuses on the fulfillment of regulatory requirements for security and at the same time provide an opportunity to move on to the practical implementation of the approaches in digital economy systems.
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