Journal Highly available systems №4 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Determination error probabilities of the first and second kind when using a new method of paper documents identification
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20729472-201904-01
UDC: 004.942

L.S. Beckel – Post-graduate Student,

Department Engineering graphics, KB BMSTU



Paper documents are accompanying documents for products, securities, identity cards, documents on education, professional activitycontain confidential information and need protection from unauthorized modification and copying [1-4]. To identify documents in the currently applicable details [5]: code organization, name and code of the document form, date, registration number, signature, seal, vultures and approval. At the present level of development of computer equipment and technologies identification of paper documents on the listed requisites is very difficult because of high quality of fakes. The use of such methods of document protection as watermarks, holograms, barcodes, does not provide protection of documents due to the reproducibility of features by intruders. Therefore, a new method of identification of paper documents by non-reproducible surface (unique label) applied to the document by electric discharge, recognized by the developed automated system was proposed [1, 2]. Because of the stochastic nature of the electric discharge, a unique pattern of randomly spaced holes of different diameters will be formed on each document.  The automated system processes the information of the non-reproducible surface, identifies its identification features and applies a QR code to the document near the label. When comparing the surface identifiers and QR-code, the automated system makes a conclusion about the authenticity of the document.

The purpose of this work is to assess the reliability of a new method of identification of paper documents by determining the probability theory of identification errors of the first and second kind.

The graph of transition of the document from the moment of its occurrence in a paper form in states independent of time is constructed. The probabilities of error-free identification of a paper document and the probabilities of errors of identification of the first and second kind are determined. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, it can be concluded that the new method of identification by electric discharge label and QR code, implemented with the help of an automated system, allows for a high degree of probability to identify paper documents.

The developed graph makes it possible to determine the probability of identification errors of the first and second kind when using a new method of identification of paper documents and to conclude about the reliability of its application on the basis of obtaining small probability values (less than 5%).

Pages: 5-10
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Date of receipt: 29 октября 2019 г.