Journal Highly available systems №2 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Approach to automate business processes of scientific organization. Part 3. Research Automation
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: DOI: 10.18127/j20729472-201902-03
UDC: 004.031.42; 004.415.2; 004.056

G.P. Akimova – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow)


A.Yu. Danilenko – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow)


E.V. Pashkina – Leading Programmer, 

Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow)


M.A. Pashkin – Research Scientist, 

Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow)


A.A. Podrabinovich – Leading Programmer, 

Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow)


A.V. Soloviev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Deputy Director for Research, 

Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow)


I.V. Tumanova – Leading Programmer, 

Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:


This paper continues a series of articles under the general title «An Approach to Automating Business Processes of a Scientific Organization», in which the team of authors considers various aspects of the digitization of the activities of both research institutes and other categories of enterprises and organizations.

The main result of any scientific activity is obtaining new knowledge. Automation of scientific research began in the USSR: in 1980, the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology published the «Industry-wide guidance materials on the creation of automated systems for scientific research and complex testing of new equipment samples». The document, in particular, says that «The use of automated research systems … (ASNI) is most effective in those modern areas of science and technology that deal with the use of large volumes of information».

Detailed analysis shows that the most successful and brought to the stage of industrial solutions ASNI is in the field of experimental physics. The closest analogue of ASNI at the moment are ERP-systems, which are designed to automate the management of production and labor processes, but do not automate the actual business processes of scientific activity.

Automation of the creative process of obtaining new knowledge is complex for a number of reasons, including: the versatility of scientific activity, the high level of uncertainty in the duration and results of research, the significant influence of the human factor. The main task in automating the activities of a scientific organization is to facilitate access to information, the complexity of the implementation of such a process is due to the fact that scientific databases are difficult to access, the receipt of texts of articles may be paid, each database has its own search engine. Thus, a common search information system is required, which will make the search independent of a specific scientific base.

In addition to the task of working with scientific publications, inventions and discoveries, libraries, the activities of a scientific organization include a number of business processes that can be automated, thereby increasing their effectiveness. These automated processes, in particular, include: experiment management; the work of the academic council; preparation of scientific events; publishing activities; expert evaluation of research projects; recruitment; activities of dissertation councils, postgraduate and doctoral departments, as well as research and educational centers.

Pages: 32-39
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Date of receipt: 17 июня 2019 г.