Journal Highly available systems №4 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Quantum cryptographic system AKM2017 based on the inseparability of the spin singlet state
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20729472-201804-11
UDC: 004.056.55

F.K. Aliev – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Leading Adviser, Defense Ministry of RF

A.V. Korolkov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Cryptography Academy,  Head of Department, RTU MIREA (Moscow); Head of Laboratory, Russian Cryptography Academy

E.A. Matveev – Director of «Сryptosoft» (Penza)

S.S. Orlov – Employee, Publishing House TVP (Moscow)

I.A. Sheremet – Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Deputy Director of RFBR (Moscow)


The possible emergence of quantum information processing technologies and quantum computing devices widely advertised in recent years can make significant adjustments to the existing situation in the field of information security, both in Russia and around the world. Forecast a multiple increase in the number of both imaginary and real threats. It is believed that the emergence of a «fullfledged quantum computer» will negate the possibility of ensuring information security by using asymmetric cryptographic systems and symmetric cryptographic systems with a limited key length that are not theoretically stable. Such a development of events may lead to a significant reduction in the fleet of cryptographic technology, suitable for practical applications.

This indicates the relevance of the development and application of new information protection mechanisms that are resistant to both currently known threats, and those that are caused by the alleged emergence of quantum computing devices. One of the promising ways in this direction can be the development and wide application of new information protection mechanisms based on quantum resources, including those that have no analogues in classical physics. Among a certain part of experts in the field of information security, even the opinion is widespread that the forthcoming quantum technologies give more advantages to information protection than actions to overcome it. It may well be that new mechanisms can withstand the computational power of quantum computers with efficiency no less than theoretically persistent classical cryptographic systems, and, at the same time, lack their shortcomings hindering full-fledged widespread practical use. We believe that the results presented in this article can serve to support these theses. The article presents the main provisions of the new quantum cryptographic system AKM2017, based on the use of the quantum resource of non-separability of the spin singlet state. The results of a comparative analysis of AKM2017 with respect to classical cryptographic systems and known quantum cryptographic systems are presented.

The article consists of the introduction of three sections.

The first section of the article is devoted to the identification and description of the properties of such a resource of quantum physics as a resource of non-separability of the state of a quantum system of two qubits known as the spin singlet. The corresponding assertion is formulated and proved.

The second section of the article presents the protocol of the quantum cryptographic system AKM2017. The protocol is based on the statement about the properties of the spin singlet state, presented with the proof in the first section of the article.

Last section 3 devoted to comparative analyses of AKM2017 with known cryptographic systems.

Attention is focused on the new qualitative properties of the quantum cryptographic system AKM2017. The aggregate of these properties is impossible in principle for both classical cryptographic systems and (in the sense of all its exhaustive completeness) for the previously known systems of quantum cryptography.

Pages: 61-72
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Date of receipt: 18 сентября 2018 г.