Journal Highly available systems №4 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Implementation of methods for data integration and warehousing aimed at support of search and rescue operations in Arctic region
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20729472-201804-09
UDC: 004.62

D.O. Briukhov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

N.A. Skvortsov – Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

S.A. Stupnikov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:


Diversity of data sources on Arctic region that can be used for planning of search and rescue operations is quite significant. That is why the problem of development of data integration methods for this area is urgent. This paper presents an approach for implementation of methods for data integration into a unified warehouse. In particular, the following issues are considered: extraction of structured data from text documents, transformation of data into warehouse schema, fusion of data from various sources to create integrated entities, data integration program verification, warehouse implementation, loading of integrated data into the warehouse. Examples of analytical queries over warehouse schema that can be used for planning of search and rescue operations are presented.

Pages: 36-54
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Date of receipt: 18 сентября 2018 г.