Journal Highly available systems №1 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Models and basic filtering technology for mass highly available organization-technical-economical systems
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621

.N. Sinitsyn – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

A.S. Shalamov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Consultant, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) E-mail:


For highly available mass organization-technical-economical systems (MOTES) stochastic nonlinear models and optimal, sub- and conditionally optimal processes filtering and parameters identification are systematically considered. New filtering and identification technologies are based on principle of three MOTES: proper MOTES-observer and MOTES-noise production. Special attention is paid to five typical nonlinear characteristics. Due to MOTES nonlinearity and non-gaussian noises theory of optimal nonlinear filtering and estimation is useless. So we use approximate suboptimal and conditionally optimal methods. These filtering and identification technologies are the basis of corresponding planning and management technologies for MOTES. Some examples are given. Results may be useful for concealed book-reaping counteraction of big enterprise.

Pages: 43-58
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Date of receipt: 10 января 2018 г.