Journal Highly available systems №1 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Experience in modeling supply planning using modifications of the ant colony optimization in high availability systems
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 004.942

Yu.P. Titov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) E-mail:


The article investigates the efficiency of the modifications of the method of ant colony optimization proposed in the work «Modification of the ant colony method for developing software for solving multicriteria supply management problems» [10] for the problem of finding solutions that satisfy constraints. The proposed modifications of the method make it possible to automatically calculate weights for convolution by the weighted sum method in multicriteria problems, which can be represented as a graph. This feature allows you to free the person who makes the decision from the need to correctly set the balance. But the effectiveness of the proposed modifications depends on the parameters of the ant colony optimization method. The paper suggests recommendations on the choice of rational parameters of the proposed modifications of the ant colony optimization method. The proposed modifications are recommended to be applied for decision support tasks in the organizational-technical-economic systems in which is participating the decision maker. In the work, only studies on a limited class of problems are carried out: multicriteria problems in which it is required to find a solution that satisfies the established limitations. The tasks of a more general plan that do not require the establishment of restrictions and the task of operational management have been pending.

Pages: 27-42
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Date of receipt: 10 января 2018 г.