350 rub
Journal Highly available systems №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
ClearTH - a platform for dynamic verification of clearing and settlement systems
A.A. Toropova - Programmer, «EXACTPRO» LCC (Kostroma). E-mail: anna.toropova@exactprosystems.com E.A. Dimova - Programmer, «EXACTPRO» LCC (Kostroma). E-mail: ekaterina.dimova@exactprosystems.com I.L. Itkin - General Director «EXACTPRO» LCC (Moscow). E-mail: iosif.itkin@exactprosystems.com
Clearing and settlement systems, also called "post trade", are a significant part of the financial market infrastructure. These systems are responsible for most of the revenues and expenses of electronic trading. Similar to trading platforms being responsible for the reduction of transactions in real time, the majority of clearing and settlement platforms represent distributed and diversified range of highly-loaded interacting subsystems. However, clearing and settlement systems are also characterized by an additional set of features. The data structure in such systems often results in the inability to validate the correctness of their operation through a single independent test script. The article details features of clearing and settlement systems and analyzes the applicability of existing test automation tools for their dynamic verification. The article introduces the ClearTH tool, which was developed by the authors and which allows structuring a test library in accordance with the schedule of the trading day/cycle of clearing and settlement systems. The described approach can also be applied to other types of systems with similar characteristics.
Pages: 23-36


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