350 rub
Journal Highly available systems №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Electronic archives: a possible solution to the problem of the authenticity of the long-term preservation of electronic documents
A.V. Solovyev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, ISA RAN
The article is devoted to possible solutions preserving the authenticity of electronic documents for long-term storage. A brief description of the problem is given. Definitions of authenticity of electronic documents, long documents, and other concepts and definitions used in the text of the article are provided. A description of the developed model of assessment of authenticity, which can be used to control the authenticity of electronic documents in the software of electronic archives is presented. This paper describes an algorithmic method of solving the problem of authenticity. An algorithm for an inventory of electronic signature, which is the key to solving the problem of authenticity in electronic archives is considered. In conclusion, attention is focused on the need to solve the problem of long-term storage when creating specific software and hardware implementation of electronic archives. Authenticated practice will allow to solve the problem formulated in this article.
Pages: 99-106
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