350 rub
Journal Highly available systems №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Development of high availability systems based on information technology
V.I. Budzko - Dr. Sc. (Eng.). E-mail: vbudzko@ ipiran.ru
The importance of obtaining timely, accurate and complete information in a rapid growth of available digital data demanded revising the paradigm of their processing. When building a high available systems should provide not only technical solutions that provide continuity of data processing with the required bandwidth, but also the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the data. The technology behind the digital revolution, defined the course of technical progress, conventionally referred to as Big Data. With old general principles of the automated information support the processing of large data required for search and implementation of new scientific and technological solutions. Among them there are the analysis, study and development of software and hardware tools for analytical processing of streaming data and structured, poorly structured and unstructured data, situation prediction and new supercomputing platform to provide decision support information product in real time. Information-analytical systems produce analytical information product by processing of structured data. So a means of data converting to the structure are required to solve analytical problems on unstructured or poorly structured data. A separate area of Big Data is the ensuring the required level of information security. It is very important to properly organize the training of qualified personnel in the field of Big Data.
Pages: 3-11

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