350 rub
Journal Highly available systems №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Models of big data processing in massively parallel systems
N.A. Levin, V.I. Munerman
Article is based on the assertion: an algebraic system in which the problem is formalized, and the model calculations (algebraic system, implemented in the instruction set of a computer system or complex) have the most consistent. These algebraic system must be at least homomorphic, and ideally, when reaching full compliance - isomorphic. The article describes the set-theoretic data model in which the file is defined as a factor-set of set of same records under the relation of equivalence by set of keys. Strictly and nonstrictly orderliness of a file is defined. The implementation of the merge operation strictly ordered files on massively parallel systems considered. Multidimensional matrix data model, and algorithms for parallel implementation of its operations considered. Example of a problem of mass data processing in the CALS-systems area proposed and discussed. Set-theoretic and multi-dimensional matrix model for parallel processing is given.
Pages: 35-43
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