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Journal Highly available systems №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Configuring of combined protection components for embedded devices by solving optimality task
V.A. Desnitsky, I.V. Kotenko, A.A. Chechulin
The paper encompasses security issues of the systems which include embedded devices. Such systems are notable for, firstly, autonomy of individual devices included in the system, and, secondly, constrains of the resources of the devices and their consequently week efficiency.
By configuration we mean a set of security components that, firstly, covers all demanded functional protection properties; secondly, satisfies the constraints imposed on volumes of device resources being allocated for protection functions fulfillment; and, thirdly, satisfies platform compatibility constraints. A configuration meeting all three conditions is called admissible one. The optimality is meant in accordance with some optimality criterion set in the configuration process. Configuration process is targeted on the search for admissible configurations, search for optimal configurations and checking a configuration is admissible or optimal.
Importance of configuring analysis is conditioned by the tendency to rapid increase in quantity of devices controlled remotely and carrying out communications on the Internet - so-called "Internet of Things". Carrying out communications in untrusted and hostile environment, such systems are subject to both specialized and universal attacks. Hence the more important becomes the task of building the efficient defense mechanisms, aimed at counteraction to the attacks, carried out by potential intruder.
In the paper the model and the architecture of the configuration mechanism for secure embedded devices is proposed. It is based on a serious of diagrams in UML 2.0 notation, describes the static model of the configuration mechanism and determines its structural elements and connections between them.
A developed software prototype allows demonstrating the proposed approach and represents a software tool to configure secure distributed system with embedded devices. The configuration mechanism is oriented on supporting device developer-s decision making at the design stage to get required security under admissible resource consumption. The tool also allows the developer to identify which resources turn out to be the most critical for the given configuration and to know what amounts of resources the device should provide in order to run a particular configuration.
As an example of the proposed configuration approach application we regard an element of the telecommunication system for mobile and quickly deployed communication network to support and control in emergencies when a number of services and devices are operating.
Pages: 50-56
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