350 rub
Journal Highly available systems №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Business process control system. Query language
K.B. Potapov
Currently, ERP Systems and business process modeling software are introduced in many organizations because they established a reputation as necessary components of organization-s effective operation. Obviously, next step is a mutual integration of these systems with result as uninterrupted resource management (BPCS1 as - Business Planning and Control System?, a ERP system) and business process management (Business Process Control System, BPCS2 as progress of business process modeling system).
It is logical to use an experience that has been accumulated in the development of relational DBMSes into ERP systems. Evidently, SQL has played one of fundamental roles in this development. In addition, SQL will take obvious part in integration of two systems. But relational model is not natural for BPCS2 because it is unnatural for a business process modeling system on which it based as opposed to a digraph-based data representation.
Thereby, an effective solution of several problems at once is a creation of data access language for digraph-based data representation that will be kindred to SQL. The new language proposed in the article was named GSQL. It can be embedded into SQL and, therefore, can be used as query language in system with both data representation models: relational model and digraph-based model.
SQL operates with relations; GSQL uses sets of objects (graph-s nodes) and brings query result into a tabular form in accordance with connections between objects specified in query. It allows embedding GSQL into SQL. Values in every tuple are calculated based on connected objects, i.e. tuples of resulting relation indicate connections between objects (graph-s arrows). In addition, loop construction in GSQL allows us to solve the second problem of digraph-based data representation. This is a presence of unknown number of transitional nodes between two specified.
GSQL can be implemented in two variants: the first is the independent language and the second is the addition to existing dialect (and, maybe, procedural extension) of SQL. Data representation in GSQL is true for any business process modeling system, so GSQL can become a standard query language for BPCS2 and even wider range of graph-based systems: for example, a geographic information systems.
Pages: 46-59
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