350 rub
Journal Highly available systems №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Methodological support of perspective Automation Means Complex design (VII)
V.G. Belenkov
In the article the exposition of the general going is begun near the analysis of functional structure of informative co-operation and its organization in perspective automation means complexes (AMC) and AS of organizational type. In accordance with approach information co-operation is examined as a transport network of information production-its conveyer. Functional properties of informational interactions are described as the realization of the properties of the transport network, not dependent on the physical nature of the network. The article suggested a generic description (model) of transportation and organization of transport network for passengers and cargo of any physical nature. It is shown that it description and large-sized description of electronic communications and organization of exchange on them data, present person in base OSI model, are the subsets of one description (model) are descriptions of transporting and organization of transporting of objects on a transport network, not depending on physical nature of network, and transported objects. Their general functional properties can be examined as inherent the model of transporting and organization of transporting of objects on the whole. It is shown that in general case, for the functional structure of transport networks, regardless of their physical nature, the presence of the same structural elements, grouped in the knots of network is characteristic. The knots of network are linked by the lines of transporting/transfer/delivery. It is shown that by the analogue of seven levels of description of organization of treatment given, being in OSI model, there are seven technological areas of description of transporting and organization of transporting of objects on a transport network of any physical nature. Thus transporting can be described as successive passing objects in the knots of network and on the «lines» of these technological areas (levels of description). In general case, a model includes description of physical environment of transporting also. In the networks of different physical nature structural elements and technological areas are presented in a different volume. It is shown that the results illustrate and explain next structural property of transport networks, examined as complexes systems. The amount of levels of description of organization of transporting can make to 7-8 levels. As property is rightly and for the subsystems of informational co-operation AS, examined as a transport network of informational production - its conveyer, then 7-8 levels of description of organization of information co-operation - are another in-variant of organization AS. The got results can be used for the estimation of similarity of functional structure and organization of informational co-operation of structural elements AS, described in the previous articles, such as AW, Complexes, AMC and others objects of AS. They can be used in the conditions of high uncertainty (insufficiency of the aprioristic information on automated processes and problems and about automation area as a whole) during studying of informational co-operation structural elements AS at performance of the research work, at pre-project stages at formation of technical offers and requirements to AS, and also on early design stages of them.
Pages: 13-69
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  3. Беленков В.Г.Вопросы методического обеспечения построения перспективного КСА (III) // Системы высокой доступности. 2008. № 1-2. С. 63-88.
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